SGM700 Digitizer
Configuration Menu -Eth-
6.6 - - - Eth
Ethernet settings (SGM720 only)
In this menu, the communication settings can be set for the ethernet port.
Options are:
Press key 2 <2 sec to enter the ethernet settings.
The following screen is vissable:
Adr 1
First three numbers of the IP address
Adr 2
Second three numbers of the IP address
Adr 3
Third three numbers of the IP address
Adr 4
Fourth three numbers of the IP address
Sub 1
First three numbers of the Subnet address
Sub 2
Second three numbers of the Subnet address
Sub 3
Third three numbers of the Subnet address
Sub 4
Fourth three numbers of the Subnet address
gAt 1
First three numbers of the Gateway address
gAt 2
Second three numbers of the Gateway address
gAt 3
Third three numbers of the Gateway address
gAt 4
Fourth three numbers of the Gateway address