Operators Manual Model PT2000/H Series Gas Monitor Rev 2. January 2014
5.5 Alarm Callout and Text Messages
Whenever any Sensor goes into alarm condition the Controller will generate and
transmit the SMS messages to the phone numbers listed in the Phone Contact List.
The list is divided into levels, Level 1 and Level 2. Phone numbers listed in Level 1
alarm will receive all messages generated while the numbers in level 2 list will only
receive High / Critical Alarm messages.
Thus Level 1 list will receive messages like:
Sensor Fail Condition
Both Low & High Level Gas Alarm on any channel.
Low or High Level Gas Alarm condition Clears to normal
When controller is placed in Alarm Bypass mode using the switch on the
display screen.
Low Battery signal on any detector.
Communication Failure.
Level 2 List will Only Receive if any sensor exceeds the High Alarm Condition. Also
receive message if High Alarm Condition Clears.
Following are the examples of the Text Messages generated.
Note that first line in the text message indicates the location of the control panel (in
this example Rig Loc # 1). The second line gives the low / high alarm message. The
third line shows the location of the sensor (like Drill Floor).
Rig Loc # 1
** Low H2S Alarm **
Drill Floor
Rig Loc # 1
** High H2S Alarm **
Drill Floor
Rig Loc # 1
*H2S Alarm Cleared *
Drill Floor
Rig Loc # 1
** Alarms Bypassed **
Rig Loc # 1
One or More H2S sensors
in Fault Condition