Operators Manual Model PT2000/H Series Gas Monitor Rev 2. January 2014
To view other channels press the Legend box to select. The following screen pops up.
Simply select the set of 4 channels to view.
To return to previous screen press the last soft-key right above the menu key on the
front panel of the display.
6.6 View Event Log
This is to view the historical events. All the events are saved in an event log file that
can be viewed on the display. The following screen shows the alarm / event with date
and time stamp.
Rig Location # 1
Date, Time, Chan#/Tag Event Description
04/01/2013 8:00:00 Unit Startup
04/01/2013 8:00:01 Channel 1 * Calib Mode
04/01/2013 8:30:00 Channel 2 * Low Alarm Active
04/01/2013 8:32:00 Channel 2 * Low Alarm Clear
04/01/2013 13:00:00 Alarm Bypassed
End of File