Operators Manual Model PT2000/H Series Gas Monitor Rev 2. January 2014
6.2 Event& Alarm Log
An event record is generated any time an alarm condition or any abnormal condition
occurs. Each record is saved with date and time stamp of the occurrence.
Each record consists of data and time, Sensor Location tag or Channel number and
Following are possible Events:
Low Alarm Active
High Alarm Active
Low Alarm Clear
High Alarm Clear
Sensor Calib Mode
Calib Mode Ended
Sensor Fault
Fault Clear
Unit / System Startup
Alarm Bypassed.
See section 6.3 and 6.4 for Downloading Event logs and sample Event log in Excel.
6.3 Downloading Data logs to a Flash Stick
All historical data can be downloaded to a flash memory stick. Insert the flash memory
stick to the USB port on the controller. The USB port is located on the front panel
below the display screen. When a valid USB flash memory stick is inserted into the
port a message on the bottom of the screen will appear prompting the user that data
is being copied to the flash stick. Once the data is copied a message will appear
prompting the user the remove the flash stick.
Note that transferring the data log files from the controller to the flash stick may take a
while depending on the amount of data. The system only downloads the new data
log files. That is if the flash stick already has the old files the controller will only transfer
new files and not the old ones. However, if a new flash stick is used, then all historical
logs files will be transferred. This might take several minutes. It is therefore a good
idea to use the same flash stick for the controller to avoid copying old files over and
over again.
Furthermore, user have a choice to delete old files after completing the new data