PB-1525 Wood Pellet Burner System: Installation and Operation Manual
Rev 1.0, OCTOBER 2011
Page 8 of 67
of the boiler or furnace.
This will ensure enough volume for the collection of ash between
Not all boilers and furnaces are completely compatible with the
Pellergy PB-1525 system. For example, boilers designed for
pressurized firebox firing on oil systems are not suitable for use with
the pellet burner even if the above firebox requirements are met. In
some cases, the boiler will need to be rated1.5-2.0 times larger in
input Btu´s in order to gain required Btu output and handle the heat
load. The Certified Installer must evaluate the total heat load
requirement against the installation requirements detailed herein
and apply his/her experience with the particular boiler/furnace
type during the initial evaluation of the system.
The PB-1525 should be set up to fire an existing boiler or furnace at a
maximum of 65% of the rated input firing rate of the unit. This value
will account for higher excess air requirements of wood pellet
combustion and serve to maintain good efficiency. Your Certified
Installer will perform heat load calculations or use other methods to
ensure the proper amount of heat is being provided to meet your
heating needs.
Installation of the PB-1525 shall result in no permanent
modification to the existing boiler or furnace. All existing safety
interlocks and controls must be utilized. If the installation of the
PB-1525 will require such modification as the cutting away of
insulation, gasket material, steel or any other part of the existing
boiler or furnace: Do not attempt to use the PB-1525 on this