PB-1525 Wood Pellet Burner System: Installation and Operation Manual
Rev 1.0, OCTOBER 2011
Page 29 of 67
Igniting 242
T 2 98°F I _
Starts: 1
Figure 3.3: PB-1525 Burner Controller in the Igniting State
As depicted above, the System State is “Igniting”. No new indicators
have been displayed; however, we do see that the flame sensor value will
change in this state (shown here as a value of 2). Also, the State Counter
will count down from a preset value. If the system fails to ignite within the
set time period, the system will enter into an alarm state indicating a
failure to ignite. The system can be forced into the Shutting Down State
by pressing and holding the Disable button for five seconds.
The Stabilizing state indicates the system has detected the presence of
flame in the burn chamber and is entering the first phase of the firing
mode. In the Stabilizing state, the unit is monitoring the flame sensor for
the presence of a quality flame within the burn chamber and will adjust
the blower speed in response to flame intensity. During the Stabilizing
mode the system will also feed a small amount of pellets into the burn
chamber. Figure 3.4 below illustrates the controller in the Stabilizing state.