Automatic device announcement:
Each mixer (when powered on) sends a periodic UDP broadcast message
on port 1002 to announce itself in the network. The UDP message is sent every 5 sec both through the WiFi and
Ethernet interfaces. The remote device runs a background UDP server listening on port 1002 which waits for
UDP broadcast messages. Once a UDP message is received, the remote controller can retrieve the remote IP ad-
dress from the UDP stack and the DR16 device info from the UDP message data fields. The remote device sends
a “ping” to the remote IP address to verify that the local host is able to reach the device on the network, since the
reception of the UDP broadcast message cannot ensure that the DR16 is reachable through TCP (due to a mis-
match in the network settings).
For example:
- Remote device
· IP address =
· Netmask =
· Gateway =
- DR16
· IP address =
· Netmask =
· Gateway =
In the case above the remote device will receive the DR16 UDP message, but it won’t be able to connect (or ping)
the device.
When a device on the network is not automatically recognized, the user can use the “Search” function in order to
search for a DR16 device in the network, After clicking on the “Search” button, the software starts to scan a set of
IP addresses inserted by user.
ACCESS POINT, WLAN, LAN: please see appendix 2
when new firmware is released, the user can download it from the Peavey website and update the device via re-
mote control. After clicking on the “FW UPDATE” button, the software shows the following windows
after selecting the IP address of the device to update, the following window appears:
1. Search for the .sfu file
2. Update