After selecting the value of the note, select the desired BPM and the value of the delay will be calculated, if the
value calculated is different from the current delay value then the button with the value of the delay will blink,
the user must click on the button in order to send the new value to the device.
Click on the X to close the window
•Feedback: from 0% to 100%
•HP/LP Filter: Bypass, 1st and 2nd order Butterworth Filter; frequency from 20Hz to 20kHz step1Hz
•EQ Filter: the single filter can be enabled or disabled using the ON/OFF button. The filter type is Peak
(BELL), the frequency can be set to a range of 20Hz-20kHz step 1Hz, the Gain of the filter can be
changed to a range of +/-12dB and the Q factor of the filter can changed from 0.3 to 20.
EFX3: the user can choose from:
- Oscillator Type: Sine or Look-up Table
- Rate: from 0.01Hz to 8Hz step 0.01Hz
- Oscillator Type: Sine or Look-up Table
- Rate: from 0.01Hz to 8Hz step 0.01Hz
- Feedback: from 0% to 100%
-Oscillator Type: Sine or Look-up Table
- Rate: from 0.01Hz to 8Hz step 0.01Hz
- Mod Amp: amplitude modulation : from 0% to 100%
- Rate: from 0.01Hz to 8Hz step 0.01Hz