PCAN-Wireless Gateway – User Manual
JSON Interface Configuration (Expert mode only):
The JSON interface is an alternative way to access the status
information and configuration of the PCAN-Gateways.
A specific request is then transmitted as a GET parameter of a URL
and the PCAN-Gateway returns a JSON-formatted response. Based
on this, it is possible to monitor and configure the PCAN-Gateway
product family via software.
The JSON interface is activated at delivery but cannot be used for
configuration. It can be set up or deactivated via the configuration
Enable JSON Interface:
If active, the JSON interface can be used.
Enable Configuration:
If active, the device can be configured via the
JSON interface. This includes the commands set, reset, and delete.
Enable Shell View:
If active, the Shell view can be used. It is
primarily intended for development and familiarization.
Respect Public Display:
If active, access is only allowed to elements
that have been activated on the page
Device > User Management
the Public Dashboard form.
Save your settings with Save Settings .
In the current version there is no access protection for the
JSON interface. Once you have activated the interface and
Enable Configuration
, the PCAN-Gateway can be configured
without logging in.
Detailed information about the JSON interface is included in
the PCAN-Gateway developer documentation.