PCAN-Wireless Gateway – User Manual
Putting into Operation
The PCAN-Wireless Gateway is configured via a web interface. In
the delivery state and after resetting to factory defaults, the device
provides a Micro Access Point network you can connect to via
Devices with a serial number below 200 provide an Ad-
Hoc network instead of a Micro Access Point. Unfortunately, the
connection to Ad-Hoc networks is no longer supported by
Windows since version 8.1 and Android. Please use a computer
with another operating system.
First Connection to the Gateway
During initial installation or after resetting to factory defaults, you
must pre-configure the PCAN-Gateway for your WLAN. The default
login data is written on the label on the top of the PCAN-Gateway.
Proceed as described in the following subsections:
Preparing the Computer
Your computer must be configured with an appropriate IP
address to connect to the device via WLAN. To determine your
IP address and to change it if necessary, follow these steps.
Open the Windows Start menu.
Type ncpa.cpl and press Enter.
The overview of the network adapters appears.
Do a right-click on the adapter that will be used for the
connection to the PCAN-Gateway and select