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Normal Operation
The Infinity XE 60 Series Gas Generators are designed specifically to minimize
operator involvement. Given that the systems are installed as described in
earlier sections and is serviced in accordance with the specified maintenance
recommendations (see Service Requirements), then it should simply be a matter of
turning the Generator on when it is required.
The Generator will automatically produce the factory set flow and pressure as detailed
in the Technical Specifications (Subject to inlet conditions).
On Demand Gas
The generator will produce nitrogen on demand. If the application is operating
and requires a gas flow, the system it is connected to will supply this to suit the
requirements of the application. If the application requirement for gas stops, the
system will also stop. If the demand from the application starts again, the system will
detect the demand for gas and will automatically start again to suit the demand. If
the unit has been fitted with the optional Dry Air output, the same principle applies to
both N2 and Air outlets.
Eco Mode
When demand from the instrument stops, Infinity XE60 generator will stop demanding
air from the external compressor. If demand from the application starts again, the
system will detect the demand for gas and will automatically start up again. Please
note this does not apply if there is a nitrogen demand from instruments during stand-
by mode. If your instruments take a nitrogen flow during stand-by mode, the Infinity
XE 60 generator will continue to have to draw compressed air to satisfy the demand.
The generator constantly monitors the flows and pressures within the system and can
make calculations on optimal operating conditions based on the flow and pressure
demand from the application. XE60 generators fitted with two or more membranes
are able ‘shut down’ certain membranes in order to save supply air. The generator
calculates when the optimal number of membranes to use for the measured flow and
pressure, meaning it can instantly shut down or turn back on membranes to react to
the change in demand. This helps save wasted gas from purging through the unused
membranes during low demand periods.