Tack glue the rear of the formers to the
Rear Spar ensuring alignment top and
bottom, then reinforce with ½ balsa
triangle stock as shown. (NOTE: This
photo is of a prototype wing, it does not
have the machined slots and pockets, as
does your kit).
Glue the ¼ balsa former WR1 into
position against the side of the foam
between the two spars.
Glue ¼ balsa formers WR1A, GP1 and
GP2 into their respective positions
carefully noting orientation.
Glue the ¼ Plywood Gear Plate into
position from underneath the outer spar
Glue WR2 into position on the Gear
Plate between the spars.
On the spar assembly opposite the
current wing, add formers WR 4 and
WR3 as before. The spar should be in
perfect alignment when completed.
Trial fit the other wing panel into
position on the spar assembly. The spars
should line up front and rear but you will
note a slight gap at the bottom of the two
foam wing panels due to the slight
dihedral. Using a block to sand the lose
foam wing for a good fit to the other
wing panel.
Using thirty-minute epoxy, add the lone
wing panel onto the spar assembly and
other wing. Use masking tape to hold in
position if necessary and allow to cure.
Add all of the formers as with the other