Chapter 2 – Installation
Reconfiguring the Drive
Connect the null modem cable from the PC to the drive’s RS-232/485 connector.
In Motion Planner, establish communications with the Gemini drive:
Select File/New/Terminal Emulator/OK.
Under Communications/Settings, select the GV.
Configure the Gemini drive for the intended mode of operation:
Issue a DMODE2 command to configure the drive for torque mode.
Or, issue a DMODE6 command to configure the drive for step/direction mode.
This completes the Express Setup procedure.
Verifying Correct System Operations
Choose one of the columns below, based upon which controller you are using—6K or non-6K—and follow the
procedure to verify correct system operations.
Verifying Correct System Operations
with a 6K Controller
Verify that the drive is enabled. (Left LED is illumi-
nated green; right LED flashes yellow/green during
Verify that the motor is rotating clockwise at approxi-
mately one revolution per second, as viewed from the
shaft end of the motor. (The motor is turning because
earlier you configured the drive for autorun.)
(NOTE: If you operate the drive in position mode, skip
Steps 3 and 4.)
From Motion Planner, issue a TPE command to the
6K and note the response.
Repeat the TPE command. The response should be
more positive than the previous response. This
indicates that the encoder is turning in the correct
If your system does not perform properly, find and
correct the problem before proceeding. If necessary,
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting.
From Motion Planner, issue the following commands:
(disables the drive)
• Reconfigure the SMPER setting to its previous
value, if necessary. (Factory default value is 4000.)
• For the 6K to read and react to a GV fault, enter the
command DRFEN1 for each axis.
End the Motion Planner session with the 6K by closing
the terminal and the editor.
Proceed to Reconfiguring the Drive, below.
Verifying Correct System Operations
without a 6K Controller
Enable the drive by connecting a jumper between pin
1 and pin 2 on the 50 pin DRIVE I/O connector. (For
connector diagrams, see
Appendix A Specifications.)
Verify that the drive is enabled. (Left LED is illumi-
nated green; right LED flashes yellow/green during
Verify that the motor is rotating clockwise at approxi-
mately one revolution per second, as viewed from the
shaft end of the motor. (The motor is turning because
earlier you configured the drive for autorun.)
(NOTE: If you operate the drive in position mode, skip
Steps 3 and 4.)
From the Motion Planner terminal, issue a TPE
command to the Gemini and note the response.
Repeat the TPE command. The response should be
more positive than the previous response. This
indicates that the encoder is turning in the correct
If your system does not perform properly, find and
correct the problem before proceeding. If necessary,
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting.
Proceed to Step 3 of Reconfiguring the Drive,