1.4 – Notes about ATEX Standards
In this manual there are notes concerning the usage of radial piston Calzoni motors in potential explosive
hazardous zones classified by the Directive 94/9/CE. These notes are identified by using the symbols below:
The information provided in correspondence of these symbols are relevant only to
machinery operating in conformity to the Directive “ATEX” 94/9/CE.
The operations recalled by these symbols must be performed by qualified personnel
with specific skills and competence about safety requirements in potential explosive
hazardous zones.
Not to follow the indications identified by these symbols can lead to serious dangers to
people and environment safety; moreover not to follow these indications can lead to
the motor not to comply with the Directive requirements.
1.5 - Additional Documentation
Along with the present manual, upon request, the following additional documentation can be provided for
each product:
Exploded View
Spare Parts List
Overall Dimensions Drawing (the overall dimensions for each standard motor type can also be found
in the “Technical Catalogue” relevant to each motor series).
Your documentation request can be addressed to Parker Calzoni s.r.l.
1.6 - Identifying the motor
A metal plate is located on the motor rotary valve housing where you can find the complete code that
describes the configuration of the unit (as per the “technical catalogue”) and the maximum continuous
working pressure.
In addition, a serial number is punched on the rotary valve housing of each motor; the motor serial number
consists of 5 digits or one letter and 4 digits.
For a correct motor identification you must refer to both serial number and motor
code. You must refer to these data in case of spare parts, information as well as
service requests.
For motor code interpretation, pls. refer to the motor “technical catalogue”.