Parker Hannifin
Pump & Motor Division Europe
Trollhättan, Sweden
Bypass Valves
Series BPV for F1 and T1 pumps
Installation information
Assembly Contact Insertion (DTM, DT, DTP)
1. Grab the crimped
contact approxi-
mately 25 mm
behind the con-
tact barrel.
2. Hold connector
with rear socket
facing you.
3. Push contact
straight into con-
nector socket
until a click is felt.
A slight tug will
confirm that it is
properly locked
in place (also see
page 6).
4. Once all contacts
are in place, insert
orange wedge:
receptacles - with
half holes align-
ing with contacts.
Plugs - with con-
tacts aligning be-
hind full holes. The
orange wedge will
snap into place.
NOTE: The recep-
tacle is shown - use
the same procedure
for plug.
Contact Removal
1. Remove orange
wedge using
tongs to pull
wedge straight
2. To remove the
contacts, gently
pull wire back-
wards, while at
the same time
releasing the
locking finger by
moving it away
from the contact
with a screw-
driver (also see
page 9).
3. Hold the rear
seal in place,
as removing the
contact will dis-
place the seal.