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Cover and hinge the tail parts:
Cover the rudder, vertical stab pieces, elevator and horizontal stab. Examine how the tail pieces all
fit together into the fuselage and do not cover the slot and tab areas as these will be glued together
when the tail is installed.
To hinge the elevator, use clear packing tape. Scotch tape is not recommended because it does not
stick well and doesn’t result in an invisible joint like packing tape does. Cut the packing tape into a
½” strip. Install the strip on the elevator such that half of it (about ¼”) is on the elevator and half of
it extends off the elevator. Then hold the elevator up to the horizontal stab at the desired angle of
deflection for “down” elevator input. While holding it at this deflection angle, push the remaining
tape down onto the horizontal stab.
The rudder will not be hinged until the tail components are installed on the fuselage. The above
technique will be used for installing the rudder as well.
Cover the fuselage:
Cover the bottom first, then the sides and finally the top.
There is a template on the plan for the windshield. If you are going to install clear windows and
windshield, use the entire template. If you are going to install opaque windows and windshield,
first cut the windshield out of note card material up to the dashed lines. Then cover the note card
windshield with covering and glue it into place with C/A. I find it easiest to hold the windshield in
place and glue the sides to F3 first, then pinch the top down to the header and glue it. There is no
need to glue the bottom edge, the note card paper is stiff enough to hold the shape. Then cut the
side windows out of covering using the remainder of the plan template (allow for some overlap at
F3) and iron them into place on the fuselage.
You can leave the bottom of the nose uncovered up to F2. If you want to cover this area, install a
1/8” x 1/8” cross brace just under the motor as a covering support. Allow enough room to install
and remove the motor.
Cover the battery door (M11). Hinge it with tape to the front cross brace between F2 and F3. The
1/64” ply lip will be at the back and seals the door to the fuse. There are various techniques for
securing the battery door. A small piece of tape can be used, or rare earth magnets, or a spare servo
arm can be screwed into the fuselage and pivoted to hold the door closed. If you want to install the
servo arm catch, cut a scrap of 1/8” balsa about 3/8” wide and glue it inside the fuselage; this will
give you a surface to screw the servo arm into.
Cut a 3” length from the 1/8” hardwood dowel and insert through the slot in the fuselage at former