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Flying LoLo
Check the center of gravity: Locate your battery pack so that the plane balances in the location
shown on the plan. There is some flexibility in the CG: moving it forward will make it more stable
in flight, moving it back will make it slightly more aerobatic. Be careful not to move it too far back
or it can potentially create some bad stall tendencies.
Final controls setup: LoLo does not need extreme throws to fly well. I personally prefer 5/8” throw
each way on rudder and elevator both, with no expo. LoLo is nicely aerobatic on these throws, but
still easily controlled. I would suggest that initially you set those throws for high rates and set the
low rates at 75% of that. Over the course of several flights adjust the throws until you find what
works best for you.
Launching: Hand launching is very simple, just throttle up and give it a gentle, level push. If doing
a rise-off-ground launch, ease into the throttle and it should lift off with just a bit of “up” elevator.
LoLo Prototype Setups and Info
First prototype (brushed): GWS S1 (4.14:1 gearing) stock brushed motor; 8x6 GWS prop; 8 amp
ESC; GWS Pico servos, Berg 4 Microstamp receiver, E Flight Lightenna; 2 cell 830 Tanic pack.
Test data: 2.4 amps, 18 watts.
Weight: 5.20 oz. w/o pack, 6.80 oz. w/ pack.
Second prototype (brushless): GWS DX-A (5.9:1 gearing) gearbox with 4100 kv Feigao 12mm
motor; 8x6 GWS prop; Phoenix 10 ESC; GWS Pico servos, Berg 4 Microstamp receiver, E Flight
Lightenna; 3 cell 620 Vampower pack.
Test data: 4.2 amps, 40 watts.
Weight: 5.30 oz. w/o pack, 6.90 oz. w/ pack.