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Cut 2 stringers for the bottom of the fuselage (running front to back from F4 to the tip of the tail)
from the 1/8” x 1/8” material and glue into place. Glue these stringers to the fuselage sides in
between the formers for added support. There should be a gap between the stringers at the tip of
the tail, this is needed to clear the vertical stabilizer which will be installed after covering.
Cut 1 cross brace for the bottom of the fuselage (midway between F3 and F4) from the 1/8” x 1/8”
balsa material and glue into place in the fuse doubler slots.
Cut another cross brace for the bottom of the fuselage (goes in the slots under F3) from the 1/8” x
1/8” balsa material and glue into place in the fuse doubler slots.
Glue 1/64” ply doublers M5A to servo rails M5. Glue servo rails into place inside fuselage (insert
into slots in fuse doublers) with the ply doublers facing the top of the fuselage.
Glue 1/64” ply doubler M6A to battery tray M6. Glue battery tray rails (M1) inside fuselage (insert
into slots in fuse doublers). Glue the front tray rail continuously to F3 as well (it serves as a brace
for F3). Glue battery tray assembly to bottom of rails with 1/64” ply doubler facing the bottom of
the fuselage in the location shown on the plan.