4. Tap
to close the dictionary and return to the
Web Search
As you read your media, you can quickly do a web search for a word or
string of text.
1. Select single word: touch & hold on the desired word
. Select
words: touch & hold on the beginning word. After
options appear, single tap brie
y on the last word
2. The browser launches with the search results of your selected text.
to close the options box without doing a web search.
to return to the
Adobe Digital Editions
eBooks and other digital content can be transferred to the device
through the Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) program. You can also use
ADE to transfer books that you have downloaded from public Libraries
using global distributors
(such as Overdrive.com)
If an Adobe eBook has an expiration date, it will also expire on
the device. If an eBook is returned in ADE before it expires, the
next time you connect the device to your computer, ADE updates
the status of the returned eBook on the device, and you won’t be
able to read it.
Register and Download Software
1. Register a free Adobe account, from the Adobe website: www.
2. Go to www.adobe.com/products/digitaleditions to download Adobe
Digital Editions (ADE) software to your computer.
3. Follow the prompts to install the software.