Switching/Blind Actuator
Input logic “Lock”:
If the linking object is set to “1” then the channel can not be switched on.
For switching the channel on, the linking object must be set to “0”. During the pulse time, if the
linking object is set to “1”, the pulse time is not affected, it accomplishes the working
procedure and the channel is switched off after the pulse time.
Function : Staircase light timer with pre-warning
When the switch object is set to “1”, the channel is switched on for the duration of the staircase light
time. After the staircase light time, the channel is switched off for a flicker time (200 ms) and it is
switched on again for the duration of 30-seconds pre-warning period. At the end of the pre-warning,
the channel is switched off. If another "1" is sent to switch object during the staircase ligth time period,
then a further staircase light time is added to the staircase light time which is already running. The
maximum added pulse quantity is specified by the “Howmany pulse max. Add” parameter. During the
staircase light time period, if the switch object is set to “0” then the channel flickers and the pre-
warning time period (30 seconds) starts for the channel. During the pre-warning period, if the switch
object is set to “1” then the staircase ligth time restarts.
Input logic “Override”:
If the linking object is set to “1”, the channel is switched on and from
now on the channel can not be switched off, until the linking object is set to “0”. During
override position, if the linking object is set to “0”, then the channel flickers and the pre-
warning period starts. At the end of the pre-warning period the channel is switched off. During
the staircase ligth time period or pre-warning period, if the linking object is set to “1”, then the
override status starts again.
Input logic “AND”:
If the switch object and the linking object is set to “1” at the same time,
then the channel is switched on and the staircase function starts. Update sequence is important
for the staircase function. For switching the channel on, first the linking object must be set to
“1” and after that the switch object can switch the channel on if it is set to “1”. By setting the
linking object to “0” does not effect the channel(i.e. the channel does not flickers and the pre-
warning does not start).
Input logic “Lock”:
If the linking object is set to “1” then the channel is on lock position, so it
can not be switched on until the linking object is set to “0”. During the staircase light time
period ( or pre-warning period), if the linking object is set to “1” then the channel status will
be lock position and the staircase function accomplishes its own procedure with pre-warning
time period. At the end of the pre-warning the channel is switched off and it can not be
switched on again until the linking object set to “0”. When the channel is on lock position
during the staircase function, if the switch object is set to “0” , the channel does not respond
this command because of the lock status.