Available commands are listed below.
STP Status
Displays whether Spanning Tree of each port is enabled or disabled.
Spanning Tree is enabled.
Spanning Tree is disabled.
Display the next page.
Press "N" to display the next page.
Display the previous page.
Press "P" to display the previous page.
Set the priority of each port in the Switching Hub.
1. Press "I." The command prompt changes to "Select port number to be changed>." Enter
the port number you wish to configure.
2. Then, the command prompt changes to "Enter priority for port #>." Enter a number from
0 to 255 in a multiple of 16.
Set the cost of each port.
1. Press "C." The command prompt changes to "Select port number to be changed>." Enter
the port number you wish to configure.
2. Then, the command prompt changes to "Enter path cost for port #>." Enter 0 to set the
cost to Auto or a number from 1 to 200000000 to set a fixed cost.
Enable/disable the spanning tree of each port.
1. Press "S." The command prompt changes to "Select port number to be changed>." Enter
the port number you wish to configure.
2. Then, the command prompt changes to "Enable or Disable STP for port # (E/D)>." Press
"E" to use Spanning Tree. Press "D" not to use it.
Return to the parent menu.