AHU temp. ctrl
Supply control
Room control
Outd T/Supp T
Supply control:
Room control:
Outd T/Supp T:
blown in air (supply air) has a constant temperature.
the supply air temp. is controlled according to the room temp. (cascade control)
he supply air temperature is controlled according to the exhaust air temperature
(cascade control).
the supply air temperature is controlled according to the outdoor temperature.
Operating mode
AHU fan control
AHU fan control
1/2 + 1/1speed
1/1 speed
AC freq.conv->
AC freq.conv.
Constant press
Min-max press
Constant speed
Min-max speed
AHU run indicat.
In use
Not in use
1/2 + 1/1 speed:
An air handling unit with contactor controlled 2-speed fans is in use. The
controller controls the fans by relay 1 (1/1output) and relay 2 (1/2 output). The supply air and
exhaust air fans run at the same time (locked in electrical control box).
The fan type and control mode are selected here.
1/1 speed:
An air handling unit with contactor controlled 1-speed fans is in use. The controller
controls both fans by relay 1 (locked in electrical control box).
AC freq.conv
An air handling unit whose fan rotation speed is controlled by an AC freq. converter
is in use. The controller uses a 0…10V control to control the fan speed. Supply fan control: strip
connector 65. Exhaust fan control: strip connector 66. The AC freq. converter running permit is
given to the supply air unit by relay 1 and to the exhaust air unit by relay 2.
Constant press:
Min-max press:
Constant speed:
Min-max spped:
AC freq. converters
AC freq. converters
AC freq. converter
AC freq. converter
The controller controls the fan rotation speed by
so that a constant pressure is maintained in the supply and
exhaust channels. Constant pressure settings are given in the maintenance mode (settings p. 30, AH max output/ SF pressure/ EF pressure). The
function requires channel pressure emitter measurements. AH max output = constant pressure in SF and EF channels. The pressure control uses SF
FanPDE/ EF FanPDE- measurements (constant air flow control), if SF press./EF press.-measurements are not connected.
The controller controls the fan rotation speed by
so that the supply and exhaust channel pressures correspond with
the desired output. (p. 30, AH max output/ SF and EF pressure, AH min output/ SF and EF pressure).
The pressure control uses SF FanPDE/ EF FanPDE- measurements (min-max air flow control), if SF press./EF press.-measurements are not connected.
The controller controls the fans to a constant rotation speed by
s. Settings are given in the maintenance mode (p. 30,
AH max output/ SF control/ EF control). AH max output = SF and EF fans run at a constant speed.
The controller controls the fan rotation speed by
s so that the desired AH output is realised. Settings are given in the
maintenance mode (p. 30, AH max output/ SF and EF control, AH min output/ SF and EF control).
AHU run indication: In use:
The running indication is connected to the controller. When the running indication "appears" to the controller from the AH unit, the
controller starts to regulate the control sequences from the stand-by situation to the "normal running (operation)" stage. The running indication is possible to connect
either to the digital input (see page 44) or to the strip connector 81 = 230 V running indication.
When the running indication is in use, it is also possible to take the
contradiction alarms in use.
The running indication from the AH unit is not connected. The AH unit can get started only by the controller. The controller regulates on “normal
running control”, when the controller gives to the AH unit min-or max output (1/1-or 1/2-output) control (the running indication is not connected). Otherwise
the control is on stand-by stage.
Not in use:
AHU controls
Operation mode
Tuning values
Operating mode
AHU temp.ctrl
AHU fan control
AHU output ctrl
Hint !
Hint !
Press the group select button to
browse other operating modes that have
been selected.
Operating mode
AHU controls
With AH output control, air handling output limits can be taken into use based on the outdoor
temperature and cascade control, and air handling enhancement can be taken into use based on
CO2 content, room temperature or humidity.
Operating mode
AHU temp. ctrl
AHU fan control
AHU output ctrl
AHU output ctrl
Outdoor temp.
Cascade ctrl
CO2 content
Room temp.
Room humidity
OutdT/Output lim
Not in use
In use
In contactor controlled AH units
In AC freq. converter controlled AH units
, the fan output drops to ½ speed when the
outdoor temperature drops below the output exchange set value.
the AH unit output is steplessly
limited from maximum to minimum as the outdoor temperature drops from the
given AH maximum outdoor temperature to the given AH minimum outdoor
temperature (see p. 31). The outdoor temperature limit can always decrease air
handling regardless of other control commands.