RS-485 interface – ASCII protocol
RS-485 interface wiring is incorrect (pins “Data RS-485 ...”):
2-wire: check pin assignments of “… - A“, “… - B“ and swap as necessary;
4-wire: check pin assignments “… TX - A“, “… TX- B“ as well as of
“… RX - A“, “… RX - B”
and swap as necessary.
Incorrect configurations of the OTT Pluvio² S and/or of the data recording unit
check the “Communication interface” (RS-485/RS-485 4-wire) setting and
correct as necessary (using the OTT Pluvio² Operating Software);
check the “RS-485 protocol type” (ASCII text …) setting and correct as
necessary; make sure that Baud rate is correct; 1200 … 57,600 Bd (using
the OTT Pluvio² Operating Software);
check the configuration of the data recording unit connected and correct
as necessary (refer to the data recording unit Operating Instructions).
Loss of communication through the USB interface
Connection between OTT Pluvio
S and PC/tablet via USB cable failed;
red LED is flashing in 1 second interval, green LED is OFF:
check connection via USB cable and correct as necessary.
USB interface driver on PC/tablet is not or incorrectly installed:
(re)install USB interface driver.
No or incorrect pulses available at the pulse outputs
Precipitation gauge supply voltage missing, incorrectly connected, or is outside
the specified range; red LED is continuously OFF:
restore power supply to the unit (replace fuse as necessary);
check supply voltage level and adjust as necessary;
check supply voltage wiring and correct as necessary.
Supply voltage* for external circuitry connected to the pulse output is missing,
incorrectly connected, or limits for U
and I
are exceeded:
power external circuitry*;
check wiring of the pulse outputs and correct as necessary;
check external circuitry and correct as necessary, so that the limits for
and I
are kept.
* not required for OTT dataloggers
Incorrect configurations of the OTT Pluvio² S and/or of the data recording
unit connected:
check the “Pulse output frequency” setting and correct as necessary
(using the OTT Pluvio² Operating Software);
check the “Pulse factor” setting and correct as necessary (using the
OTT Pluvio² Operating Software);
check the configuration of the data recording unit connected and correct
as necessary (refer to the data recording unit Operating Instructions).
The “Pulse status information” output continuously provides pulses (alive
signal) when the unit is operating properly. Depending on collecting bucket level,
10 … 100 pulses per minute are output or, when the OTT Pluvio
S unit is connected
to a PC/tablet via USB cable, 120 pulses per minute are output.