R E C A L L a B A S I C a r r a y
To read a B A S I C array (string, real or integers) and load it into R A M
under your own array name.
!RECALL <new array name>, <filename>
If you do not specify an extension to the filename, the system
specifies a default extension of . D A T (as is the case in S T O R E ) .
2. The file must have previously been stored using S T O R E (not
S A V E ) instruction.
An array name can have any number of dimensions, i.e. you can
allocate it any amount of memory. If the array specified is greater
than the file on disc, the remainder of the array (after loading the
file) is filled with 0's or null strings.
If the array specified is smaller than the filename, then only enough data
to fill up the array is read from the file.