M a k e sure you specify the correct disc drive n u m b e r s so that the source
drive is part of the old filename and the target drive is part of the new
T h e r e are three options which you can specify as part of the instruction
and they are described as follows.
,P or ,N (Write protect option)
Only one of these can be specified.
If you want the newly created file to be write protected, specify ,P, if
you want it to be unprotected, specify ,N and if you want it to have the
same status as the old file, specify neither (P nor N).
,C (Single disc drive option)
If you only want to use one disc drive for copying, specify ,C. This will
ensure that the messages insert source disc and insert target disc will be
displayed, so that you know when to change discs.
, 0 or ,M (Overwrite or merge options)
Only one of these can be specified.
It is often necessary to create a new file with the same n a m e as on
existing file (for example if you are updating files). Ordinarily, this
would result in a message telling you that a file of the same n a m e is
already on the disc and no copying will take place. If, however, you
specify ,O, the existing file will be overwritten and a message telling you
so will be displayed. T h e exception, of course, is when the existing file is
'write p r o t e c t e d ' which renders the ,O option ineffective.
You can m e r g e a n u m b e r of existing files into one new file by specifying
,M. Y o u can use
characters to specify a n u m b e r of files (to be
merged) in the form of an ambiguous filename. For example, the