Following are a list of questions and/or suggestions when encountering certain problems. If your question is not covered on this page
please contact the Optoelectronics Service Department at 954-642-8997, Monday - Friday, 9:00AM - 5:00PM Eastern time.
My Xplorer does not seem to be locking onto any signals, what am I doing wrong?
If using the external squelch mode check to make sure squelch is not turned too far to the left or right.. If using internal
squelch switch to external squelch Also, try different antennas.
I have tried all of the above and it still does not seem to lock onto any signals, even if I key a transmitter next to it. Why?
The Xplorer could have a damaged front end amplifier. Excessive RF input can damage the amplifiers.
Every now and then it seems to lock onto the harmonic of the fundamental frequency. Why?
When the Xplorer is sweeping it is sensing the harmonic as being 15dB above the background RF, therefore it will lock onto
the harmonic. This generally happens when testing a radio a few feet away from the Xplorer. Either turn the squelch up or
move away from the transmitter a few more feet.
Why does the Xplorer lock onto a frequency after I have locked it out individually and blocked it out in blocks mode?
Go to CONFIG mode and make sure that both lockouts and blocks are turned on.
Why won’t my Xplorer automatically store the frequency information when it locks onto a signal?
Go to CONFIG mode and make sure that Auto Store is turned on.
How do I get my Xplorer to stay locked on a frequency without it sweeping for another signal?
Go to CONFIG mode and turn Auto Hold on.
Is there a way to reset my Xplorer?
Yes. Turn the Xplorer off. When you go to turn it on again press the FNCTN / SHIFT and MODE/POWER button all at the
same time. This will reset all parameters back to factory defaults. All data in memory, lockouts etc.. will be lost.