As is the case with just about any type of communications receiver, accessories play a big role in how well the instrument performs.
Optoelectronics has a variety of accessories to choose from to enhance the performance of the Xplorer. As mentioned earlier in this man-
ual, it is very important to try different antennas in varying RF environments to see what works best. Below is a list of accessories offered
by Optoelectronics. There are many other after market antennas, filters, pre-amps etc.. that may also provide benefit to the Xplorer.
RD27 rubber duck antenna
RD150 rubber duck antenna
RD440 rubber duck antenna
RD800 rubber duck antenna
DB32 stubby antenna
BB85 rubber duck antenna
TA100S telescoping antennna
Cell Lock antenna
The BB85 and DB32 antennas are very good all band antennas. They allow the Xplorer to lock onto many different signals. The BB85
is an excellent antenna for VHF frequencies. The DB32 is very convenient for its size. It has proven to work very well in the UHF ranges.
N100 FM notch filter
The N100 provides approximately 30 dB of attenuation in the FM broadcast band. It does a very good job of blocking out the RF from
your local FM stations. Reducing the background RF from FM transmitters by 30dB allows the Xplorer to lock onto signals from a much
greater distance. Even if the Xplorer is not locking onto FM stations, the RF from those transmitters is still present and can prevent the
Xplorer from locking onto signals in the nearfield. Since the Xplorer locks onto signals that are 15dB above the background RF floor,
reducing the RF from FM stations by 30dB will have a significant effect on the way the Xplorer locks onto frequencies.