Figure 7.5 The effects of sharpening setting on the AF51. This is a small crop from a full field image of
human skin biopsy specimen taken with a PUMA microscope and an OptArc x40 objective.
Sharpening factor set to 1.
: sharpening factor set to 50. While an increased sharpening factor makes
some details clearer such as the prickles between the epidermal cells (P), other structures such as nuclear
chromatin and the nuclear ‘holes’ in the stratum corneum (O) show unnatural exaggeration of contrast at the
boundaries which is not good for many types of image analysis.
Sample images
All the images in this PDF document are either downsampled or compressed or both so
cannot reflect the true quality of images from the camera. A selection of full and
uncompressed images taken with the AF51 camera is available on the PARDUS project
GitHub page. For example, see:
Anyone considering purchasing or using the AF51 camera should take the opportunity to
view those sample images to assess whether the quality of image output will be suitable
for their purposes in addition to the information presented in this manual.
OptArc AF51 Camera Page 94 of 99 User Guide v1.02