AS7200 User Manual - OPEX Corporation
From the President of OPEX Corporation
The AS7200 scanner offers an extremely flexible, efficient and ergonomic
method for capturing images and data
The OPEX AS7200 is the flagship product in our line of document scanning devic-
es. Long established as the industry leader in check/document scanning and pro-
cessing, the AS7200 brings the capability of imaging documents of nearly every
type and size. With the versatility of the AS7200 scanner, your company now has
the ability to efficiently capture images and necessary information in a single touch,
eliminating nearly all of the traditional prep processes associated with other scan-
ning devices.
The AS7200i is either mounted to an OPEX Model 72 or Model 51 Rapid Extraction
Desk for processing mail from envelope to image. The AS7200t is mounted to a
workstation table and provides a solution for scanning documents whose source
may not be an envelope, such as from file folders and storage boxes.
Whatever the application, the key to this process is YOU, the AS7200 Operator.
We've gone to great lengths to design our equipment to be efficient, comfortable
and simple to operate, and believe that you will be pleased with the final result.
Thank you for taking the time to familiarize yourself with the contents of this man-
ual. We trust that you will find using the AS7200 scanner an enjoyable and produc-
tive experience and a welcome addition to your workday.
Dave Stevens