24 / 56
Shutdown time for programmable output
[0 - 999] = Shutdown of programmable
output sockets in battery mode after time
defined here.
Only available if “Programmable output
sockets = active” and UPS system re-
started after setting the time.
Charging voltage: Boost voltage
[2.25 – 2.40] = fine adjustment of boost
load voltage from 2.25 to 2.4V / cell
2.36V / cell
Charging voltage: Float voltage
[2.20 – 2.30] = fine adjustment of float
load voltage from 2.20 to 2.30V / cell
2.28V / cell
Exiting configuration menu
Table 6: Configuration menu
4.4 Operating statuses
The status of the UPS system is displayed on the control panel.
Normal operating mode
Figure 16: Display in normal mode