Health and wellbeing is a critical component to sustain an enjoyable life. It’s why the
quality of the air we breathe and cleanliness of the items we touch every day matters.
The germicidal properties featured in the BioShift Pass-Through UV-C Germicidal
Chamber offer a proven and effective way to disinfect and destroy harmful micro-
organisms. The BioShift chamber is designed and approved for industrial and
commercial uses, and is not to be used in residential or home settings.
The BioShift chamber is a sanitation tool made easy to use alongside additional cleaning
efforts. It helps meet a wide range of end-user needs by limiting cross contamination
through the import of pathogens on everyday items like cell phones, eye glasses, tools
and protection gear.
Verified to inactivate common pathogens by a nationally recognized testing laboratory
specializing in antimicrobial, biocidal and virucidal effectiveness, the BioShift chamber
uses UV-C radiation that has been extensively researched for more than 40 years.
Note: All bacteria and viruses tested to date respond to UV-C radiation, however it is most
it is most
effective on hard surface objects.
effective on hard surface objects. It may not kill bacteria, viruses and pathogens, in areas of
objects that are not exposed to the proper intensity and duration of UV-C radiation. Thus,
the BioShift Pass-Through UV-C Germicidal Chamber is most effectively used in addition and
as a complement to sterilization products and procedures, and NOT as a replacement.