Do not use industrial degreasers or strong solvents such as brake cleaners.
Do not override safety features during maintenance / cleaning.
When cleaning all reflective aluminum surfaces, do not use abrasives, they will
reduce the reflectivity.
Outside: BioShift chamber can be cleaned with a damp towel. Strong solvents
or detergents are not recommended. A typical household cleaning solvent is
Inside: Clean inside chamber walls with ethanol (reagent grade) and a soft towel.
Be careful not to spray or apply chemicals directly on the UV-C lamps. This may
result in total lamp destruction.
Inspect the aluminum panels, if they appear to be degrading and reducing
reflectivity, consider replacing.
UV-C Dose Verification
It is important to regularly verify the UV-C dose output of the BioShift chamber to
ensure proper disinfection. Every 50 cycles or once per month, whichever comes first,
the operator shall verify that the UV-C dose exceeds a minimum of 100 mJ/cm
in a
short, programmed test cycle. Before proceeding with the Dose Verification, ensure
the chamber has completed a full cycle within the last 5 minutes so that the lamps are
warmed up. With an empty chamber, place a card (below) face-up at the center of one of
the middle trays. On the touchscreen display, select the “100 mJ/cm
Dose Test” button to
start a test cycle. Upon completion of the test cycle, the operator will evaluate the color
development of the center circle. If the center color matches the 100 mJ/cm
region, the
chamber has passed the test. If the color does not match 100 mJ/cm
, all the lamps in
the chamber must be replaced.
Note: Do not use dose verification as a disinfection cycle.
Replacement 100 mJ/cm
test cards (929002100327) are available from ONCE
at www.once.lighting/uv-cdosimeter. Do not store cards in direct sunlight.