1. Ensure power switch is turned on and all Emergency Stop buttons are released.
2. Place objects in chamber following guidelines below.
Do not stack items / supplies in the chamber.
Leave 6” between each product in the chamber with no more than 3 across.
Place the tallest products in the center.
It is not recommended to put food through chamber unless it is sealed.
3. Press Start Button. When a cycle is started the timer (located on the clean side
controller) will count down. The chamber will turn OFF automatically after
programmed time (recommended 5 minutes).
4. If the BioShift chamber is kept at a temperature under 41°F (5 °C), a warm-up cycle
must be completed before beginning sanitation.
BioShift chamber doors shall not be opened during radiation cycle.
BioShift chamber doors cannot be open at the same time under normal operation.
In case of emergency, EMERGENCY STOP button can be pressed from either side.
If cycle has been interrupted, the cycle will restart at the beginning of the cycle
when pressing the Start button again.
Monitoring of inserted material and lamp functions can be done through the
window on either door. Window is made with glass that blocks UV-C radiation.
Countdown timer shows how much time in radiation cycle is left.
A. If a door is open, pressing the Start button will not start the machine.
B. If the rear (dirty side) door is open, the wording REAR DOOR OPEN will appear.
C. Upon disinfection cycle completion, CLEAN will appear on the screen with the
option to Start another cycle.