This BioShift Chamber has not been approved and/or certified as a medical device
anywhere in the world. As such, the BioShift Chamber cannot be used to disinfect (the
surfaces of) medical devices such as, without limitation, surgical respirators, surgical
masks and/or other medical device-grade PPE. ONCE shall bear no liability towards any
party if any BioShift Chambers are used to disinfect (the surfaces of) medical devices
and/or in any other way than the intended use as described herein.
In addition to those limitations and exclusions of liability of ONCE as set forth in any
agreements that ONCE enters, has entered or may have entered into with any party in
relation to the supply, provision, donation and/or otherwise making available of BioShift
Chambers, ONCE explicitly excludes any and all liability towards any party – including,
without limitation, its customers, the users of the BioShift Chambers, the users of the
objects submitted to UV germicidal irradiation in any BioShift Chambers and/or any
individuals that may come in contact with the users of the herein aforementioned
objects – for any and all damages that may arise from and/or in relation with any of
the foregoing disclaimed facts, events and/or circumstances, any use of the BioShift
Chambers outside of the intended use as described herein and/or any use of the
BioShift Chamber that is not compliant with the instructions for use.
Subject to change without notice June 11, 2020