stop and a display indicating the error and the error’s address will appear.
Press MON to continue the check. If an error is not found, the program will
be checked through to the first END(01). When the check has reached the
first END, “PRGM CHK END(01)” will be displayed. If an error occurs, read
the address which contains the error, and correct the program. Be sure to
check corrected code by re-running the check function. CLR can be pressed
to cancel the check after it has been started.
Note A syntax check can be performed on a program only in PROGRAM mode.
Key Sequence
Error message
END (01)
Program check
The check has been completed to the END
instruction with no (more) errors having been
found in the program.
An error has been detected in the program at
the displayed address. Correct the code.
If the LR area setting has been changed,
“????” will be displayed. Change the LR
area setting ensuring the region is identical
to that specified when the program was
An END instruction cannot be found in the
program. Input the END instruction at the
end of the program.
Program Transfer
After all errors are removed from the program, the program may be trans-
ferred from the Programming Console to the PC.
To be executed, the program has to be transferred to the PC from RAM in the
Programming Console. Whenever a program is written to RAM in the PC, the
program is automatically transferred to the EEPROM in the PC.
The program and/or data may also be stored in Memory Cards via the Pro-
gramming Console. This provides a backup facility for programs and the later
use of them to form the outline of new programs.
Data transfers are always referred to from the point of view of the Program-
ming Console, i.e., downloading is always away from the Programming Con-
sole; uploading is always toward the Programming Console.
Inputting the Program
Section 3-5