I/O bit, definition, 30
I/O response times, 111
I/O wiring diagrams, 16, 17, 18, 19
indirect addressing, 30, 72
input bit, definition, 3
input device, definition, 3
input devices, 19
input point, definition, 3
input signal
definition, 3
filtering, 22
instruction execution times, 140
instruction set
ADD(40), 102
AND, 42, 74
combining with OR, 43
AND LD, 45, 75
combining with OR LD, 47
use in logic blocks, 46
AND NOT, 42, 74
ANDW(42), 105
ATIM(22), 87
ATM1(25), 88
ATM2(26), 88
BCMP(34), 101
CLC(44), 102
CMP(32), 99
CNT, 89
CNTH(24), 94
DIFD(11), 66, 76–77
using in interlocks, 80
DIFU(10), 66, 76–77
using in interlocks, 80
END(01), 44, 74, 81
IL(02), 64, 79–108
ILC(03), 64, 79–108
KEEP(12), 78
in controlling bit status, 66
LD, 42, 74
LD NOT, 42, 74
MOV(30), 98
MVN(31), 98
NOP(00), 81
NOT, 40
OR, 43, 74
combining with AND, 43
OR LD, 46, 75
combining with AND LD, 47
use in logic blocks, 46
OR NOT, 43, 74
ORW(43), 105
OUT, 44, 75
OUT NOT, 44, 75
RDM(23), 92
SFT(33), 96
STEP(04), 106
SUB(41), 103
SVXT(05), 106
TIM, 83
TIMH(21), 87
TIMM(20), 86
designation function codes, 56
table, 135
terminology, 39
interlocks, 79–108
converting to mnemonic code, 80
using self-maintaining bits, 67
ladder diagram
branching, 64
IL(02) and ILC(03), 64
controlling bit status
using DIFU(10) and DIFD(11), 66, 76–77
using KEEP(12), 78–79
using OUT and OUT NOT, 44
converting to mnemonic code, 41–51
combining, AND LD and OR LD, 47
controlling bit status
using KEEP(12), 66
using OUT and OUT NOT, 75
format, 71
notation, 71
using logic blocks, 45
ladder instructions, 42
leftmost, definition, 28
Link Adapter, 7
dimensions, 12
logic block instructions, converting to mnemonic code, 45–50
logic blocks. See ladder diagram
LR area, 33
allocation, 34
relationship to DR area, 34
Maximum Scan Time Area, 33
memory areas
clearing, 53
partial clear, 54
Memory Card, 7
battery replacement, 7
initialization, 123
mnemonic code, converting, 41–51
model numbers, 131
modifying data
binary, 122
bit forced set/reset, 119
general, 116
hex/BCD, 120
binary, 121
bits, 116–119
general, 116
multiple addresses, 116, 119
PC selection, 52
words, 116–119
DIN Track, 15
surface, 13