normally closed condition, definition, 40
NOT, definition, 40
operand bit, 41
operands, 39, 71
allowable designations, 71
requirements, 71
operating modes, 39
output bit
controlling ON/OFF time, 76
controlling status, 65, 67
definition, 4
output device, definition, 4
output point, definition, 4
output signal, definition, 4
password, entering on Programming Console, 51
PC, 5
configuration, 8
indicators, 6
PC Link
configuration, 8
LR area application, 34
PC selection, 21
PC selection for programming/monitoring, 52
peripheral devices, Programming Console, 6, 20, 37–39
power supply, wiring, 15
precautions, general, xi
present value. See PV
products, 131
Program Memory
setting address and reading content, 54–55
structure, 41
program transfer, 58
backup onto Memory Cards, 58–63
checks for syntax, 57–58
displaying and clearing error messages, 109
entering and editing, 55
example, using shift register, 97
inserting and deleting instructions, 61–64
precautions, 69
program transfer to PC, 58
reading scan time, 110
searching, 61
setting and reading from memory address, 54
simplification with differentiated instructions, 77
using work bits, 67
writing, 27
Programming Console, 6, 37–39
See also peripheral devices
dimensions, 12
programming console operations, table, 143
PV, accessing via PC area, 37
response times, I/O, 111–113
rightmost, definition, 28
scan time, 110–111
current, 33
maximum, 33
reading, 110
self-maintaining bits, using KEEP(12), 78
set value. See SV
specifications, 133
SV, accessing via TC area, 37
TC area, 36–37
TC numbers, 37, 82
timers, 81
analog timer 1, set value, 33
analog timer 2, set value, 33
bits in TC area, 36
conditions when reset, 83, 87, 88, 89
example using CMP(32), 100
extended, 84
flicker bits, 85
inputting SV, 56
ON/OFF delays, 84
one-shot bits, 85
watchdog timer, 111
word bit, definition, 31