key after entering the function number 60. If not specified for retention, both
areas will be cleared. CNT is used for the entire TC area. The display will
show those areas that will be cleared.
It is also possible to retain a portion of the Program Memory from the first
memory address to a specified address. After designating the data areas, DR
and/or CNT, to be retained, specify the first Program Memory address to be
cleared. For example, to leave addresses 000 to 029 untouched, but to clear
addresses from 030 to the end of Program Memory, input 030.
As an example, to leave the DR area untouched and retain Program Memory
addresses 000 through 029, input as follows:
Clearing Error Messages
Before inputting a new program, any error messages recorded in memory
should be cleared. It is assumed here that the causes of any of the errors for
which error messages appear have already been taken care of. If the buzzer
sounds when an attempt is made to clear an error message, eliminate the
cause of the error, and then clear the error message (refer to Section 5 Trou-
To display any recorded error messages, press CLR, FUN, 6, 1, and then
MON. The first message will appear. Pressing MON again will clear the pres-
ent message and display the next error message. Continue pressing MON
until all messages have been cleared. The ERROR indicator will go OFF
when all messages have been cleared.
Although error messages can be accessed in any mode, they can be cleared
only in PROGRAM mode.
Key Sequence
Setting and Reading from Program Memory Address
When inputting a program for the first time, it is generally written to Program
Memory starting from address 000. Because this address appears when the
display is cleared, it is not necessary to specify it.
When inputting a program starting from other than 000 or to read or modify a
program that already exists in memory, the desired address must be desig-
nated. To designate an address, press CLR and then input the desired ad-
Inputting the Program
Section 3-5