and counters. All of these are accessed through TC numbers ranging from
TC 00 through TC 15. Each TC number is defined as either a timer or count-
er using one of the following instructions: TIM, TIMM(20), TIMH(21),
ATIM(22), ATM1(25), ATM2(26), CNT, RDM(23), or CNTH(24). No prefix is
required when using a TC number as a definer in a timer or counter instruc-
Once a TC number has been defined using one of these instructions, it can-
not be redefined elsewhere in the program either using the same or a differ-
ent instruction. If the same TC number is defined in more than one of these
instructions or in the same instruction twice, an error will be generated. There
are no restrictions on the order in which TC numbers can be used. TC num-
bers TC 11 through TC 15 (just TC 14 and TC 15 for the SP10) are assigned
to specific instructions, as shown in the table below.
TC number
Applicable PCs
TC 11
SP16, SP20
TC 12
SP16, SP20
TC 13
SP16, SP20
TC 14
SP10, SP16, SP20
TC 15
SP10, SP16, SP20
Once defined, a TC number can be designated as an operand in one or more
of certain instructions other than those listed above and can be used as
many times as necessary in ladder instructions. When defined as a timer, a
TC number designated as an operand takes a TIM prefix. The TIM prefix is
used regardless of the timer instruction that was used to define the timer.
Once defined as a counter, the TC number designated as an operand takes
a CNT prefix. The CNT is also used regardless of the counter instruction that
was used to define the counter.
TC numbers can be designated for operands that require bit data or for oper-
ands that require word data. When designated as an operand that requires
bit data, the TC number accesses the Completion Flag of the timer or count-
er. When designated as an operand that requires word data, the TC number
accesses a memory location that holds the PV of the timer or counter.
The TC area retains the SVs of both timers and counters during power inter-
ruptions. The PVs of timers are reset when PC operation is begun and when
reset in interlocked program sections. Refer to 3-7-10 Interlock and Interlock
Clear - IL(02) and ILC(03) for details on timer and counter operation in inter-
locked program sections. The PVs of counters are not reset at these times.
Note that in programming “TIM 0” is used to designate three things: the Timer
instruction defined with TC number 00, the Completion Flag for this timer,
and the PV of this timer. The meaning in context should be clear, i.e., the first
is always an instruction, the second is always a bit, and the third is always a
word. The same is true of all other TC numbers prefixed with TIM or CNT.
The Programming Console
The Programming Console is used to program, monitor, and maintain the
PCs. All programming is first input into the Programming Console and then
transferred to the CPUs for execution or Memory Cards for storage.
The Programming Console keys are divided into several sections for ease in
operation. The gray keys are used in combination with the white numeric
keys to designate instructions, operands, and Programming Console func-
tions. The yellow keys are used to designate Programming Console opera-
The Programming Console
Section 3-3