clock pulse bit
A bit in memory that supplies a pulse that can be used to time operations.
Various clock pulse bits are available with different pulse widths, and there-
fore different frequencies.
common data
Data that is stored in the LR Area of a PC and which is shared by other PCs
in the same the same system. Each PC has a specified section of the LR
Area allocated to it. This allocation is the same in each LR Area of each PC.
An message placed in an instruction line to direct the way in which the termi-
nal instructions, on the right side, are to be executed. Each condition is as-
signed to a bit in memory that determines its status. The status of the bit as-
signed to each condition determines, in turn, the execution condition for each
instruction up to a terminal instruction on the right side of the ladder diagram.
An operand for which the actual numeric value is specified by the user, and
which is then stored in a particular address in the data memory.
control bit
A bit in a memory area that is set either through the program or via a Pro-
gramming Device to achieve a specific purpose, e.g., a Restart bit is turned
ON and OFF to restart a Unit.
Control System
All of the hardware and software components used to control other devices.
A Control System includes the PC System, the PC programs, and all I/O de-
vices that are used to control or obtain feedback from the controlled system.
controlled system
The devices that are being controlled by a PC System.
control signal
A signal sent from the PC to effect the operation of the controlled system.
A dedicated group of digits or words in memory used to count the number of
times a specific process has occurred, or a location in memory accessed
through a TC bit and used to count the number of times the status of a bit or
an execution condition has changed from OFF to ON.
An acronym for central processing unit. In a PC System, the CPU executes
the program, processes I/O signals, communicates with external devices,
data area
An area in the PC’s memory that is designed to hold a specific type of data,
e.g., the LR area is designed to hold common data in a PC Link System.
Memory areas that hold programs are not considered data areas.
data area boundary
The highest address available within a data area. When designating an oper-
and that requires multiple words, it is necessary to ensure that the highest
address in the data area is not exceeded.
data sharing
An aspect of Data Links created through Link Adapters in which common
data areas or common data words are created between two or more PCs.
A process by which a draft program is corrected until it operates as intended.
Debugging includes both the removal of syntax errors, as well as the fine-
tuning of timing and coordination of control operations.
A number system where all numbers are expressed to the base 10. In a PC
all data is ultimately stored in binary form, four binary bits are often used to
represent one decimal digit, via a system called binary-coded decimal.