Safety Precautions
KP100L Quick Installation Guideline
Alert Symbols in This Document
Important user information:
Observe the following warnings and cautions when using the KP100L.
Significant property damage may possibly occur. Do not use the product
in other country than the designated country.
Functional lesion by injury and fire damage may possibly occur.
Do not
remove the MC cap on the back of the product when you exchange the
FAN Assembly.
Ask to the store where you purchased the product or to an authorized
service person when disposing of the product.
Injury by electric shock may possibly occur. Read this manual before
installation, operating and maintenance of the product, and follow the
instructions carefully.
Injury by electric shock may possibly occur. Do not open the cover
foreside R during energizing.
Significant injury by electric shock may possibly occur. Do not touch the
terminal of the MC connector. Do not remove the MC connector excluding
the instruction of this manual.
Burn injury may occasionally occur. Do not touch the upper part of the
product while operating or immediately after having turned off power.
Fire damage or functional lesion of internal part may occasionally occur.
Do not obstruct the heat sink or place any objects within 200mm of the
heat sink.
Fire damage and malfunction may occasionally occur. Do not use the
product that dropped or applied a strong impact.
Functional lesion by fire damage may occasionally occur. Do not unfasten
of the MC connector and the cable clamp during operating.
The limitation of the output electric power by the ventilation trouble may
occasionally occur. Clean the top and bottom of the heat sink regularly.
Injury or fire by electric shock may possibly occur. Do not open,
disassemble, modify, or repair the cover front and the cover foreside L
during operating