Before printing, prepare a .gcode file, instructions on creating files with the .gcode extension are
provided in 5.2.
Before preparing the file and implementing it into the printer, we recommend setting
the appropriate temperatures in the printer, according to the recommendations for
the appropriate material. To do this, go to the Temperature tab and then select the
material from which the model will be printed from the Preheat list.
Figure 38 Preset temperature settings location
After uploading the file to the medium, run the file in the printer. After inserting the SD card into the
printer, go to the Home menu and select the SD card icon. After the list of files available on the SD
card is displayed, the previously prepared model can be selected. Pressing the Print button will start
the printing procedure. If the Preheat option has not been activated before, the printer will need a
while to adjust the appropriate temperatures on individual printer components.