Battery Management Indicators for
the Auxiliary Batteries
The Indicator Lights for the Auxiliary Battery
system are located on the Omeo Display Panel
(as shown in
Figure 34: Indicator lights showing
The different indicators for the Auxiliary Battery
system are outlined in
Table 6:
Auxiliary Battery
system Indicators when the Omeo is powered on
Table 7: Auxiliary Battery system Indicators
when the Omeo is powered off (Pg. 71)
It is important to note that when the Auxiliary
Batteries run below 20% charge and the red
warning light is flashing, the rider must use
the remaining power to get to a safe place
where they can charge the Auxiliary Batteries.
Ensure you have alternative mobility solutions
When the Omeo is powered on
(Standby or Balance Mode)
White single flash
Is only activated when the Main Control Switch is pushed
to activate the Stabilising Legs to put the Omeo into
Balance Mode.
This is a positive signal of function.
Yellow flash every 3 seconds in a continuous
pattern –
(Warning Signal)
Is activated when the Auxiliary Batteries are discharged
to 50%. At this level the Lights and USB charging port will
shut down and not function.
Red slow flash every 1.5 seconds in a
continuous pattern –
(Warning Signal)
Is activated when the Auxiliary Batteries are discharged to
20%. In this situation the standard function of raising the
Stabilising Legs by one push on the Main Control Switch
is no longer available.
To raise the Stabilising Legs so that ‘drive’ is available,
the rider must hold the Main Control Switch down for 7
seconds to override the system. This may be repeated
while power remains.
Alternating white and blue flashing light –
(Warning Signal)
Is activated when there is high voltage drain on the
Auxiliary Batteries when the Stabilising Legs are activated.
This is possibly caused by a jam between the Stabilising
Legs and Omeo Body and may require the rider to clear
the jam.
Table 6: Auxiliary Battery system Indicators when the Omeo is Powered on (with InfoKey™ Controller).