Report All Incidents
If you or any other rider of your Omeo is involved
in an accident, of if your Omeo performs in a way
that you do not intend or in a way that it is not
supposed to, contact your Authorised Omeo Agent
or Omeo Technology directly.
It is very important
we are contacted immediately.
Omeo Technology
+64 6 929 6548 (New Zealand)
When powering off, the Omeo may attempt to
balance (though less aggressively) when the
Stabilising Legs are down. The Wheels may skid
if the Stabilising Legs are lowered and the rider
aggressively leans while getting off.
• Always ride within your capabilities
• Do not ride any Omeo if you suffer any
impairment to balance
• Try to be relaxed when riding
• When riding, keep your torso upright, your head
up and looking in the direction you want to go
• If you feel at all unsure using your Omeo hands
free, use the Hand Grips
• Avoid moving backward as much as possible.
Manoeuvre backward only when necessary to
open a door, back away from an obstacle, or
to carefully ascend a steep slope. Avoid turning
while manoeuvring backward
• Your Omeo has been designed for off-road
use. If you must ride on the road, be extremely
careful. Ride as far away from traffic as possible
and always allow plenty of time. Remember the
speed limiter or an unexpected obstacle could
slow your crossing
• Your Omeo, like the Segway PT, has a
regenerative braking system for the Lithium-ion
Batteries that recharges the batteries as you go
down a slope / hill
- The amount of charging is directly
proportionally to the size and duration of
the decline and as you progress down a
slope you may notice the battery levels
change on the InfoKey™ Controller
- It is important to note that if your batteries
are fully charged at the top of a slope /
hill, when you descend, you may feel your
Omeo’s speed being limited to prevent from
overcharging the Lithium-ion Batteries.