4.8. Adjusting the sampling interval
Adjust the sampling interval so that the quantity of spectroscopic light received by the BK7
reference sample does not exceed the maximum quantity of light of the photodetector. Go
through the following steps to adjust the sampling interval.
Press SMPLNG ADJST in the operation panel.
As the START INTERVAL window opens, enter a value and click OK.
The shutter opens and a measurement begins.
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Hint: If the quantity of the sample to be measure is considered to be larger than that of
the reference sample, use the former sample to adjust the sampling interval.
Hint: An error may occur due to the input value. If you encounter an error, check the message
to modify the input value.
[If the input value is too small]
[If the input value is too large]
[If the reference quantity of light is too small]
If you encounter one of these messages, input a sampling interval manually.
[Procedure for manually adjusting the sampling interval]
(1) Choose
menu to open the work setup window.
(2) Input a proper sampling interval and then click OK.
(3) Click REFERENCE. Looking at LUMINANCE window, modify the value until the graph
exceeds the red line to an unsaturated position.
Then, conduct a task of 4.9 Obtaining the background value.