Important Information — Please Read Before Use
Important Information — Please Read
Before Use
• High frequency leakage current or spark discharge may cause patient,
operator and assistant burns. Follow the dangers, warnings and
cautions described in this instruction manual when using this
electrosurgical unit.
• Always prepare for an emergency operation in case of unintentional
patient burn, bleeding and perforation.
Intended use
This electrosurgical unit has been designed to be used with an Olympus
endoscope (fiberscope or videoscope) compatible with electrosurgery, light
source, electrosurgical accessories and other ancillary equipment for general
and endoscopic electrosurgery (cutting and coagulation).
Do not use this electrosurgical unit for any purpose other than its intended use.
Applicability of endoscopic treatment
If there is an official standard on the applicability of endoscopic treatment as
defined by a national or local medical administration, or other institution, such as
an academic society, follow that standard when performing the procedure.
Before performing endoscopic treatment, thoroughly study the properties,
purposes, effects and possible risks (the nature, extent, probability and
imminence) of the planned treatment and any alternative therapeutic method
that can be performed. Carry out endoscopic treatment only when its benefits
outweigh its risks. Fully explain to the patient the possible benefits and risks of
endoscopic treatment as well as those of any therapeutic method(s) that can be
performed instead of endoscopy, and perform endoscopic treatment only after
patient consent is granted. During endoscopic treatment, continue to evaluate
the potential benefits and risks, and stop the treatment if the risks become
greater than the possible benefit to the patient.