In a Windows 98 environment install the following files
which you will find on the CD for installing Windows 98:
tools\oldwin95\message\awfax.exe to install
Microsoft FAX.
tools\oldwin95\message\wms.exe to install
Microsoft Exchange.
Read the textfile ‘tools\oldwin95\message\wms-fax.txt’
also, in order to have detailed information about the two
"No Plug & Play" Installation ...
This kind of installation can be performed initially, as an
alternative to Plug & Play, with the fax machine discon-
nected from the PC, or to update the LinkFax 10 Plus.
1. Power on the PC, wait for Windows 95/98 to start
and then insert the CD in the CD ROM drive.
2. From the Start menu, select Run and type x:\setup,
where x is the name of the CD-ROM drive (for exam-
ple, d), then click on OK to confirm.
3. The LinkFax 10 Plus installation procedure starts.
Now select your language and proceed with all other
operations until the installation procedure is complete
(see step 3 and following steps of the "Plug & Play"
Installation section).
The software loaded onto the hard disk includes the on-
line documentation files (HELP) that provide further in-
formation about the printing, scanning and modem char-
acteristics and functions; see the on-line help, which is
installed together with the LINKFAX program.
If problems that cannot be solved using the normal pro-
cedures occur while printing, it could be necessary to
uninstall the software.
See the uninstall LINKFAX topic in the on-line help to
ensure that you remove all the files copied from the CD
and/or created on the PC during the software installation
procedure completely and correctly, and then reinstall
them all (see To install the "Linkfax" software).
1. Make sure that your PC and fax machine are both
turned off.
2. Connect the PC and the fax machine using the paral-
lel interface cable.
3. Turn on the PC and wait for Windows NT or 2000 to
be started. Once the Windows desktop has appeared
on the screen, turn on the fax machine.
4. Insert the CD in the CD-ROM drive, open the Start
menu, select Run and type x:\setup, where x is the
name of the CD-ROM drive (for example, d) and
confirm (OK).
5. The Linkfax 10 Color Printer installation procedure
is started.
6. Now select your language and proceed as re-
quested by following the instructions that appear on
your PC screen until you reach the end of the instal-
lation procedure.
7. Once you have completed the installation procedure,
restart your PC.
8. Once the installation procedure has been completed,
the Linkfax 10 Color Printer icon will be added to
the Printers folder. The Printer group in Programs
will also contain the on-line documentation and the
program for uninstalling the software.
For further information on how to uninstall the software,
see the NT/2000 documentation (standard uninstallation
02/04/01, 9.17