Patent No. 6,766,028 - OFI Testing Equipment, Inc.
OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com
Before the Model 900 unit can be calibrated using the ORCADA
the Calibration Mode must be set to “ORCADA
Software”. Refer to the
“Software - Options” section on page 25 for more information.
From the main screen choose, “Calibrate Shear Stress” from the “Utilities” menu.
1. Select a calibration fluid from the “Cal Fluid Batch” drop-down list. If
the list is empty, click the “Fluid Manager” button to add new fluid
batches. Refer to page 18 for more information.
If the “Temp Out of Range” light shines red, the current sample
temperature is out of the specified range for the calibration fluid. The
sample will have to be heated or cooled to be within the acceptable
range before calibration.
Do not attempt a calibration if the sample is not within the
appropriate temperature range.
2. Choose a set of calibration rates from the “Rate Set” drop-down list.
To create or edit a rate set, click the “Calibration
Rates” button. To create a new set, click the “New”
button and enter a name and the rotational speeds.
To edit a set, select it in the “Rate Set” list, then
change the rotational speeds as necessary.
Calibrating at speeds above 300 RPM can adversely
affect results. All speeds in your rate set should be
greater than 0 and less than or equal to 300, unless
the “Low Shear Calibration Mode” option is turned on (see page 25).
3. Click the “Start Calibration” button to begin the calibration.
Once the calibration has started, the software will begin filling in the
chart and plotting the results on the graph.
Rate Sets
With Computer