Pompa di calore ad inverter per piscine
Passo 1: Smontare l'unità di comando dall'apparecchio. Stare attenti al cavo di comunica-
zione collegato alla scheda a circuito stampato. Staccare il cavo con attenzione.
Passo 2: Aprire l’alloggiamento con l'ausilio di un cacciavite. Estrarre l'unità di comando.
Passo 3: Praticare due fori paralleli ad altezza d’occhio; interasse 60 mm.
Passo 4: Fissare il pannello posteriore dell'unità di comando alla parete
Passo 5: Allineare accuratamente il pannello anteriore con quello posteriore accertandosi
che l'involucro sia saldamente fi ssato alla parete.
Passo 6: Collegare il cavo di comunicazione procedendo con cautela.
Passo 1
Passo 3
Passo 5
Passo 2
Passo 4
Passo 6
Montaggio a parete dell'unità
di comando
Non usare oggetti affi lati e appuntiti quando tocca il pannello anteriore e i pul-
santi dell'unità di comando per non danneggiarli. Qualora l'unità di comando è
fi ssata alla parete, non tirare il cavo di comunicazione perché si rischia di rovinare
il contatto e di allentare o distaccare il collegamento.
3.9 Wall-mounting the remote control
Step 1:
Detach the remote control from the machine. Pay attention to the communication wire connected to the
printed circuit board and separate them carefully.
Step 2:
Use a screwdriver to open the casing and separate the remote control.
Step 3:
Drill two parallel holes at eye level: 60 mm centre-to-centre.
Step 4:
Attach the remote control’s rear cover to the wall.
Step 5:
Align the front and rear covers exactly, ensuring that the box is fixed firmly to the wall.
Step 6:
Carefully connect the communication wire.
WARNING: Do not use sharp objects to touch the remote control’s front face and buttons as you
may damage it. When the remote control is fixed to the wall, do not pull the communication wire,
this may cause a loose contact.
3.9 Wall-mounting the remote control
Step 1:
Detach the remote control from the machine. Pay attention to the communication wire connected to the
printed circuit board and separate them carefully.
Step 2:
Use a screwdriver to open the casing and separate the remote control.
Step 3:
Drill two parallel holes at eye level: 60 mm centre-to-centre.
Step 4:
Attach the remote control’s rear cover to the wall.
Step 5:
Align the front and rear covers exactly, ensuring that the box is fixed firmly to the wall.
Step 6:
Carefully connect the communication wire.
WARNING: Do not use sharp objects to touch the remote control’s front face and buttons as you
may damage it. When the remote control is fixed to the wall, do not pull the communication wire,
this may cause a loose contact.
3.9 Wall-mounting the remote control
Step 1:
Detach the remote control from the machine. Pay attention to the communication wire connected to the
printed circuit board and separate them carefully.
Step 2:
Use a screwdriver to open the casing and separate the remote control.
Step 3:
Drill two parallel holes at eye level: 60 mm centre-to-centre.
Step 4:
Attach the remote control’s rear cover to the wall.
Step 5:
Align the front and rear covers exactly, ensuring that the box is fixed firmly to the wall.
Step 6:
Carefully connect the communication wire.
WARNING: Do not use sharp objects to touch the remote control’s front face and buttons as you
may damage it. When the remote control is fixed to the wall, do not pull the communication wire,
this may cause a loose contact.
3.9 Wall-mounting the remote control
Step 1:
Detach the remote control from the machine. Pay attention to the communication wire connected to the
printed circuit board and separate them carefully.
Step 2:
Use a screwdriver to open the casing and separate the remote control.
Step 3:
Drill two parallel holes at eye level: 60 mm centre-to-centre.
Step 4:
Attach the remote control’s rear cover to the wall.
Step 5:
Align the front and rear covers exactly, ensuring that the box is fixed firmly to the wall.
Step 6:
Carefully connect the communication wire.
WARNING: Do not use sharp objects to touch the remote control’s front face and buttons as you
may damage it. When the remote control is fixed to the wall, do not pull the communication wire,
this may cause a loose contact.
3.9 Wall-mounting the remote control
Step 1:
Detach the remote control from the machine. Pay attention to the communication wire connected to the
printed circuit board and separate them carefully.
Step 2:
Use a screwdriver to open the casing and separate the remote control.
Step 3:
Drill two parallel holes at eye level: 60 mm centre-to-centre.
Step 4:
Attach the remote control’s rear cover to the wall.
Step 5:
Align the front and rear covers exactly, ensuring that the box is fixed firmly to the wall.
Step 6:
Carefully connect the communication wire.
WARNING: Do not use sharp objects to touch the remote control’s front face and buttons as you
may damage it. When the remote control is fixed to the wall, do not pull the communication wire,
this may cause a loose contact.
3.9 Wall-mounting the remote control
Step 1:
Detach the remote control from the machine. Pay attention to the communication wire connected to the
printed circuit board and separate them carefully.
Step 2:
Use a screwdriver to open the casing and separate the remote control.
Step 3:
Drill two parallel holes at eye level: 60 mm centre-to-centre.
Step 4:
Attach the remote control’s rear cover to the wall.
Step 5:
Align the front and rear covers exactly, ensuring that the box is fixed firmly to the wall.
Step 6:
Carefully connect the communication wire.
WARNING: Do not use sharp objects to touch the remote control’s front face and buttons as you
may damage it. When the remote control is fixed to the wall, do not pull the communication wire,
this may cause a loose contact.