System Utilities and Procedures 3-11
Edition 2
Node Collapsing Utility
Master Node Number:
Node Name:
Node Serial #:
#of Digits:
Collapsing Node Number(s):
Node Node
Node Node
Number Name
Number Name
Figure 3-5. Example of the Node Collapsing Utility Screen.
8. In the Master Node Number: field, enter the number for the master node that will remain
after the utility is run.
The server displays the Node Name:, Node Serial #:, and # of Digits: fields, with entries for
the master node and its mailboxes. Then, under the Collapsing Node Number(s): heading, in
the Node Number and Node Name columns, the server lists up to 20 potentially collapsible
nodes that have the same serial number and number of mailbox digits as the master node. (If
there are more than 20 such nodes, you need to run the utility again later.) To the left of each
entry in the Node Number column, a default Y appears, indicating that this node is to be
The server checks that the total number of prefixes in the master node and all nodes to be
collapsed is 200 or fewer. If more than 200 prefixes would be consolidated in the master
node, an N appears to the left of those node numbers that cause the total to exceed 200. If you
specify node collapse (Y) for a set of nodes that would consolidate a total of more than 200
different prefixes, the utility will not run.
9. Change Y to N for any particular node or nodes that you do not want to collapse into the
master node, and press Return.
If any node to be collapsed has messages in its network queue, a warning is displayed on the
SMT, indicating that messages will be returned to senders when the Collapse Nodes utility is
10. On the SMT, answer Y to the prompt that allows the utility to proceed. The server collapses
the nodes that have the same serial number and the same number of digits for their mailboxes
as the master node.
The prefixes for the collapsing nodes are moved to the master node. Addresses of NameNet
entries in the collapsing nodes are changed to reflect the master node. System and
personal-group distribution list members having node numbers for collapsing nodes are
changed to reflect the master node. In voice mailboxes, all networked, returned network,
and fax network messages that include node numbers from collapsing nodes are updated.
Follow-me-forward mailboxes that forward to collapsing nodes have their node numbers